It was a modest day. A day of nothingness, really. And when I am presented with a whole reasonable span of time that involves no personal plans or pre-set agenda, I tend to get a little excited and life suddenly starts to look a whole lot like a Rogers and Hammerstein musical with festive choral entroits and choreographed musical numbers. *twirl twirl twirl* NO PLANS!! *bell kick bell kick bell kick*
So I thought, for organizational purposes, I would take a picture of everything I did today and then explain each item so you can be as thrilled as I am with the sheer nothingness of my day.

I woke up at around 9am which was largely due to the fact that I actually went to bed reasonably early last night after deciding I would rather go home and sleep than meet up with my roomate at City Walk. The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was grab my lap top and start watching disk two of Smallville Season 3. It's always great to start off each day with a superhero. Ain't nothin wrong with a little Clark Kent in the mornin, y'all.
I watched Smallville for a bit, then took a shower and cleaned my room. I left my apartment at about 12:45 to go down to my grandma's to feed her cats while she is visiting my mom in Ohio. While at my grandma's, I managed to spend the next 4 to 5 hours watching The Hills on MTV. Which, for those of you who don't know, is the most assinine show in existence, but so incredibly delicious I couldn't possibly change the channel. I mean, what if I like missed something really important like Heidi dumping buttface Spencer or like Whitney making head intern at Teen Vogue. Like, duh.
However, you will be pleased to know that I alternated reading two Christian non-fiction books during commercial breaks. Lies Women Believe and When Jesus Came to Harvard. So, while I was filling my mind with the attrocities of measuring up to the superficial existences of random twenty-somethings living in Beverly Hills, I was also counteracting each negative thought by reading books that reminded me that the Lord is in control of my emotions and I shouldn't live with an "I'll be happy when..." mentality. My brain was downloading so many conflicting thoughts that I'm pretty sure my house might have looked like the cottage in Sleeping Beauty when the fairies were firing different colors from their wands and the mayhem was shooting out the chimney for all the world to see. Yes, that's right (she says with an evil eyebrow raise) brain waves were so fiercely active, that my thoughts were atually launching from my brain and escaping through my grandma's chimney. In which case, you might have seen them if you were flying over SW 68th between the hours of 3:30 and 5:30pm.
After sufficiently warping my mind, I left there at around 6:30 and headed home. I borrowed my grandma's Dyson vacuum and decided to do some more intensive house cleaning...superhero house cleaning, if you will. And may I please just say that this was my very first experience with a Dyson vacuum. And please Sweet Lord of Mercy and Goodness, don't let it be my last. That thing was AWESOME. I don't want to go into too much detail lest another choreographed musical dance number ensue, but the sucky hose thing on the Dyson could quite possibly be the most life-changing thing I've ever experienced. You have to be careful, though, because it will literally suck up any and every thing that is put in it's path. I accidentally vacuumed the following: two bobby pins, a necklace, my white shabby chic shower curtain, half of a hand towel, and two bottles of perfume. No, seriously. I did.
After the Dyson dance number, I decided to play Boomer Sooner on my recorder. There was nobody here to appreciate it, but it's the only song I know how to play on my recorder and they always say that if you don't consistently play your instruments, you will forget how to play them, and, well, I just can't let that happen. After playing Boomer Sooner (twice....heheh), I settled in for some more Smallville lovin. But I was way too wired to just sit and stare at my lap top, so I grabbed a magazine and some scissors and my notebook and I made a prayer collage, which is an idea I got from my friend, Kim, where you cut out things in magazines that remind you of someone and then pray for them based on what you cut out (I think). It was a fun and artistic endeavor with results that made me feel more like a maniacal serial killer than a prayer warrior, but whatever. Here ya go, Kayla. I prayed for you/plotted to kill you tonight:

And, well, after creeping myself out with my very first prayer collage, I colored a pretty picture in my Princess coloring book! Yay! And painted my nails pink! Yay! Then, mercifully, before the night got REALLY out of control, my roomate got home and we chatted about the Lord and our lives and how completely ridiculous it is for us to spend more than 24 hours apart from one another. Giggidy. (That's for you, Carrie)
1 comment:
Yay i made it on there!!!
I love my killer collage. :)
Love you!
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