Monday, January 28, 2008

Why I'm Cooler Than All Y'all Fools

I own vinyl. More importantly, I own a record player. In all truthfulness, my post could end right here and now. It could end with the confidence that the point I'm introducing in the title will have been adequately made. But, I'm gonna talk about it a lil more because, well, that's just what I do.

Since I was a little girl, I've been in love with my grandmother's record player. Whenever we went to her house, I would take the time to clear off the picture frames and china dolls from her record player holder contraption thing (I have no idea what it's called, but it is big and an unnaturally stained color of wood). After completing the dusty task, I would slide open the door on the top and all my mother's old records would be inside. Oh they were magnificent. The Surpremes, Jackson 5, The Sound of Music, Dean Martin...such lovely classics. I would play them and lay on my grandma's living room floor absorbing the sounds and feeling some sort of spiritual connection to the songs and the times they represented in my mother's life.

So, three Christmases ago, my grandmother bought me my very own record player. It was the greatest gift ever! About three weeks later, I found myself knee deep in a record give-away at the OU campus. I had heard about it in one of my classes and, sure enough, that afternoon there were tables and tables and tables full of records that they were just GIVING away. I got some Fleetwood Mac, Heart, James Taylor, Elton John. For. Free. I might start weeping soon.

It's safe to say, my collection of vinyl is pretty extensive. But, that didn't keep me from the wonderful record store off of Western Avenue and 36th Street last Saturday. Oh no siree it did not. I purchased Madonna's Immaculate Collection, Elliot Smith, and Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume II. Please try to contain your excitement. Do you need to lie down? Please don't worry too much, though. My coolness will probably be exploding into lemon jolly rancher flavored rain drops pretty soon. It's just that intense. And, I'm worried about mentioning this next little fact because my computer might just implode upon itself due to the sheer, overwhelming COOLNESS of it all. But what the heck. Here goes....I have a subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine...


Anonymous said...

I have a record player and two crates of vinyl. May I be cool with you?

Decktout: Housewares & Decor said...

Last night I played tetris on the original gangsta nintendo while walking on the moon and sipping coffee from the first Starbucks located....wait for it...on the moon.

Anonymous said...

My record player is busted but I still have the vinyl! Digital is sooo overrated.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a record player, or any vinyl to speak of... But I've always, always, ALWAYS known you were cooler than I am. So its not as if your declaration makes it anymore so than it already was! =)

Jeff said...

So I dont own a record player and I have three albums at home in plastic sittin at the top of my closet. Your blog made me smile while I was sitting here at work trying not to stab myself in the head because I am bored. Thanks for making me smile.

Eric said...

This is funny because back in the 80's I used to go to my friend Ryan's house and listen to records in his room while we played Nintendo. Ryan was the coolest until Angela down the street got a tape player and multiple tapes. Ryan was no longer cool and Angela was now the coolest. Now thanks to your blog I realize that Ryan was in fact cooler, but now it is 20 years later and probably too late to tell him. Oh well...

connie said...

Alright, I've got the same obsession. I've been looking for record players, but I want an old one that's really cool. I love the sound, fool. A few years ago I was on Jack Johnsons site and wanted to buy a t-shirt. Well I ended up buying a couple of records. Yeah that's cool. They have never been opened, but I cannot wait until I find that perfect player that was made just for me. But until that, you are way cooler than me.